The Kalam Cosmological Argument (4 min.)
An argument for a Creator from the origin of the universe with strong scientific support.
The Fine-Tuning of the Universe (6 min.)
An argument for an intelligent Creator from scientific evidence that shows the existence of fine-tuned order best explained as intentional design.
C. S. Lewis, “The Reality of the Moral Law” (10 min.)
A defense of the reality of objective moral values and obligations.
Leibniz’s Contingency Argument (5 min.)
An argument that the universe requires a necessary, uncaused First Cause that causes the existence of all other things.
A Moral Argument (5 min.)
An argument God is the necessary foundation of the existence of objective moral duties and obligations.
C. S. Lewis, “What Lies Behind the Moral Law” (13 min.) Lewis’s famous argument that God is the best explanation of the moral law.
Ben Sharp, “Who Cares If There’s a God?“
William Lane Craig, “Does God Exist?“
Five good reasons to believe that God exists.
William Lane Craig, “Does God Exist?“
Eight good reasons to believe that God exists.
Peter Kreeft, “Arguments for God’s Existence“
Links to 9 short arguments and a link to sketches of 20 arguments including not only the origin and design of the universe and the person of Jesus but also beauty, human religious experience, from human consciousness and moral conscience, historical events that disclose God’s work.
David Baggett, “Four Ways God Best Explains Morality“
A philosopher explains how the Christian God is the best explanation for several moral facts widely accepted in human experience: moral values, moral obligations, moral knowledge, and the reality of moral transformation.

A Christian philosopher offers five philosophical arguments for an uncaused First Cause of the universe from the existence of change and the contingency or dependence of all finite beings, which implies the existence of an uncaused Creator as their source. These arguments require no specialized knowledge of natural science and are presented in both formal premises and informal explanations.

A moral argument showing that God is the best explanation of various moral truths and experiences such as moral goodness, moral knowledge, moral obligations, and moral transformation.

In response to biologist Richard Dawkins’s case for atheism in his book The God Delusion, this book offers a wide array of accessible arguments by Christian philosophers and scientists critiquing atheism and offering reasons to believe in God from the origin and design of the universe, the uniqueness of human beings, and the person and resurrection of Jesus.

This book by a Christian astrophysicist argues for a Creator based on evidence for the origin and design of the universe found in Big Bang cosmology and discoveries about the finely-tuned features of the universe that are necessary for the universe, solar system, and earth to permit the existence of human life. Offers interesting summarizes of the history of various scientific theories.